Research Result in Ellipse Detection by DUT-RU ISE Geometric Computing and Intelligent Media Technology Team is Included in OpenCV
Thu, Nov 3 2022 06:14 PM  

Recently, theresearch result in ellipse detection by DUT-RU ISE Geometric Computing and Intelligent Media Technology Team titled “Fast Ellipse Detection Algorithm Based on the Team’s Original Projective Invariant – Characteristic Number” has been included in Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV). The result is the only ellipse detection algorithm in OpenCV in addition to the classic Hough Transform.

The algorithm included in OpenCV originates from the paper “A Fast Ellipse Detector Using Projective Invariant Pruning” published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), a top journal in image processing, by Associate Prof.Jia Qi, *Prof.Fan Xin, Prof.LuoZhongxuan, Prof.QiuTie and SongLianbo, a Master’s student. Jointly developed by HuangZhanbo, the research assistant,YangYang, a Master’s student, and HuangZhengqiang, an undergraduate, the result was included in OpenCV after several rounds of review.

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